Friday, April 22, 2011

A Dual Fortnight

One month already?? Wow. I can't believe that one month ago today my life changed forever. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday, but oddly enough, it seems as though it is quickly becoming a memory of old.

I feel comfortable in the fact that my meals are minuscule. It doesn't seem odd to me anymore. In fact, I think about what I used to eat and laugh at myself for being delusional in thinking that I wasn't eating too much. As an example, last night I had an appointment directly after work and needed to grab something for dinner on the way home. To that end, I stopped by Chick-Fil-A for "some" chicken strips.

Normally, I would have gotten the 3 piece strips with the fries and devoured every last morsel. Last night, however, half of one strip was enough. A meal that I used to eat at one sitting, would now last me a minimum of 8. I can't help but think, had I just cut everything in half prior to surgery....... Hmmmmm. Well, no point in that thought.

I am happy with my decision. In fact, I am not shy about telling anyone. I am proud of myself for finally having the courage to change my life in the most powerful way and face success head-on. I can finally say, that I am empowered and my outside appearance will reflect what I have always felt inside. One month down, the rest of my life to go!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Sheila...I am so proud of you and have always have such a positive attitude about things...whether you are big or thin I will always be proud of you and love you like crazy.... Mom

  2. Does chick-fil-a have grilled chicken strips?

    When I eat with other people, it blows my mind now how much people can consume in one sitting. I miss that sometimes, but I am more often grateful that I don't even have that option anymore. I feel better than I have in 10 years, and I wouldn't trade that for any amount of food.

  3. YAY! You are doing great! Isn't it amazing how much life changes afterwards. I used to think 1000 calories was little. Now I live on like 300-400!
