Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Slowing Down

As you can see from my weight loss progress, things have slowed a bit.  I have now been at the same weight for 3 days....  and boy am I glad.  I was losing so much that I was absolutely exhausted.  I have been able to do my hair without the requisite breaks and walking up the stairs has not been a daunting task.

Confession:  I haven't been sticking as close to what I should be eating.  Don't go crazy on me now...  I am sticking to what is on my list of foods to eat, but I know from my life experience PhD in nutrition that the protein content isn't high enough.  One can't have yogurt for breakfast, tuna and peas for lunch and refried beans (from Rubio's) for dinner and not expect the carb/protein ratio to be out of balance. 

With the caloric intake I have right now, I will enevitably continue to lose weight, of that there is no doubt.  I do however, need to ensure to keep my protein levels high and carb levels low.  So, to that end, I make this promise to myself and to you:
This week, protein will be my primary form of nutrition once again.  I committ to eating less yogurt and more egg whites and less soup and more tuna or chicken.
Let's see how the week goes.  Surely this little lag in weight loss is my body's way of saving itself from certain destruction (16 pounds in a week...  sheesh, this isn't reality TV folks).  Let's see if we can go from a warp speed then stall method to a more pleasurable cruise control.


  1. the protein veggie this is hard at first. I felt dizzy and weak for the first 2 weeks. Now, I feel energetic and amazing. You get used to it, and the weird things we eat at first is what helps the pounds drop so quickly. I lost 20 pounds my first week. I think my body was just in shock. It does slow down a bit though. (this is Lauralee from the forum btw. I love the blog!)

  2. Thank you Lauralee! I am glad you like my blog. I like your's too. Thank you for sharing your experience. It helps to see what others have gone through.
