Wednesday, November 30, 2011

8 months, 8 pounds & 28,000 calories

Yesterday was my eight month checkup with Dr. Simper. I have to say it was pretty exciting to walk in and be less than 8 pounds away from my original goal weight. My pulse is in the high 50s and my BP is perfect. I couldn't be happier with my results.

As I was talking to the nurse as I was leaving, she was surprised that it's only been eight months. Clearly they are very complimentary because they want you to feel good since this is such a life-changing event, but it got me thinking about how many others she must see that really don't do as well as I have.

I'm so incredibly fortunate to have such amazing insurance that made it possible and so easy to have the surgery. I haven't had any problems and have tolerated everything perfectly. While my weight hasn't dropped dramatically like others report with 7 to 10 pound losses each week, it's been steady and I think that's saying a lot.

Clearly what I've been doing is exactly what my body needed. I know there has been some controversy over my choice of adding "forbidden" foods into my diet before hitting my goal weight. However I feel like my results speak for themselves. I don't have food addiction issues and don't have trouble stopping with just a few bites. The difference for me though is I never had food addiction issues. My challenge was to change my relationship with food and change my mind set on what I can actually live off of.

We live in a society that provides us with gigantic out-of-control portions every single day. We are barraged with ads and media where they want to sell us gargantuan meals that we don't need. Some consider the Carl's Jr. Guacamole Bacon Six Dollar burger with 1040 cal and 72 g of fat, a meal. Oh wait, I misspoke, I forgot to fries and large Dr. Pepper.

Carl's Jr. happens to be, in my humble opinion, the worst offender of them all since they have the likes of Kim Kardashian in all of her bathing suit beauty glory, devouring a burger that contains more calories than she probably eats all day. It's an ad that says, "you too can be sexy, have the body you want and eat our food". While I'm sure somewhere in the world there are those that are genetically gifted enough to be able to do that, my money is on the bulk of the rest of us that couldn't possibly do that even with the help of a Genie and a Magic lamp. But, until I get one of those of my own, it's off to the gym I go to burn off a portion of the remaining 28,000 calories. Ciao!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monsters in my closet

My weight loss has slowed to an all time slow over the last two months. All in all, I am ok with it because I feel terrific and look pretty dang good too. I know that it is due to a few factors such as less exercise, more food, increased stress, decreased water, and lastly, being very near my goal weight.

I set out with an ultimate dream weight goal of 170. I thought I MIGHT be able to achieve it but always had it in the back of my mind that if I just got below 200 I would be incredibly grateful. I am within 9 pounds of my goal right now (178.6 as of yesterday) and I am suddenly afraid of the dark.

Now, you ask, why would a 37 year old woman be afraid of the dark? Well, i am.... figuratively speaking of course. What if it is all over? What if this is it? What if I am done? Now what? I still want to be thinner.... Or is it that I am just afraid of gaining it back? My bets are on the latter.

There are monsters in my closet. I AM afraid of gaining it back. In the last 7 months I haven't ever stepped on the scale with fear of what I would see. (now that isn't entirely true... I have hit plateaus and wondered, but never for this long). I haven't had to wonder what the result would be. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was going to be, even worst case scenario, the exact same as the day before but only for a few days until it would drop again. I can't take comfort in that so called reality anymore.

Real life is beginning again and I have to be a big girl and face it. It isn't a foregone conclusion that I will keep my weight off. I know that I will always have to work at it. My left over fat cells are just hibernating; waiting for me to "get over" being thin, but I won't. I won't ever "get over" how I feel right now. I just might have to sleep with a night light and keep the closet door shut for a while. I still have 15-20 pounds that I could lose and be well within the healthy weight guidelines.

Monsters or not, I am not done yet. I will not let fear take hold. I am strong. I am capable. I am worthy. I will finish what I started.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why yes, I do take my own pics

I vowed that I would never publicly share a picture that I took of myself in the mirror of the bathroom, but I couldn't help it this time.

This is a picture I am pretty proud of. I feel like I can actually see and I mean really see all the progress I have made. It is really hard to believe that just 7 short months ago I looked bloated and enormous.

Thank you God for making someone smart and gifted enough to create a solution and tool for me to use in obtaining lasting health.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, October 31, 2011

Closet Raid

This weekend we headed 300 miles south to St. George Utah. Both sets of parentals live there and we have some friends that really know how to throw a killer Halloween party. We thought we'd go for a super quick trip given that I would be working at a trade show in Vegas this entire week and I could just head another hour and change south to the land of sin from there.

Due to some unbelievable events that have taken place in Chad's family, we always stay with my parents which afforded an opportunity to visit with my mom for a few hours. I was incredibly grateful for the leather jacket she had given to me a few weeks back and wondered what other treasures might be lurking in her closet. Unfortunately, that is, depending upon your POV, I was never able to raid my mom's closet when I was a teenager. As a matter of fact, I've never been able to raid anyone's closet or trade clothes when on girls trips to Vegas (which I wish we were still doing BTW).

Although I didn't end up "borrowing" anything for the trip, Mom has some great stuff. It's just too bad her feet aren't as gigantic as my flesh covered longboards; I might have had myself a complete outfit! Besides, I don't think I can stuff another thing in this dang suitcase. Its so heavy right now that I am a bit concerned I am going to get charged for being overweight on the flight home. Imagine that..... Once upon a time I was getting concerned about being charged extra on flights for being overweight myself and now I am just concerned for my suitcase!

All that being said, it is pretty damn gratifying knowing that I am able to trade clothes now. I know that closet raids and trading clothes doesn't happen much when you are a card carrying member of the adult club, but it sure is nice to think that it could! Yay for being a regular size!

Next stop, the Cosmopolitan....
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, October 21, 2011

Out of the mouth of babes

This will be a short post as I am recovering from laughing so hard that I nearly busted a rib.  I showed Justin, my 9yo, the slideshow of my progress pictures and as we got to the picture of my pre-surgery barn-sized behind, he suddenly exclaimed "Whhhhoaaaahhh" to both his surprise and mine.

I suppose there is no hiding the truth.... hahahahaha

Monday, October 17, 2011

I thought I would share another picture with you this evening before I head off into the land of dreams...  which by all accounts is very different than the "Field of Dreams".  Although there are some similarities that might be explored more intently at a later date with respect to, "If you build it, he will come".  In my dreams, I have, on a rare occassion, built an entire fantasy around a real southern charmer turned beach fitness extraordinaire, Matthew McConaughey himself.  But alas, I digress....

It was after this day had ended that I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I looked over my shoulder while I was getting undressed and I decided that my reward when I get to my goal weight of 170, I am going to get boudoir pics taken.  Yes, I said it and I mean it.  But allow me to clarify....  I mean classy ones, in black and white, simplistic art with nothing private showing.  If you remember the scene between Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear in "As Good as it Gets" where he begins to draw a picture of her as she fills the bathtub in her towel...  classy, timeless, and just for me to know how incredibly gorgeous I am and to serve as a reminder to NEVER, ever forget it again.

Find your bliss ladies, and live it.  Love yourself and don't ever forget that you are gorgeous right now as you are.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finally! I figured out how to do this.... 
New pics have been added that follow me through 100 lbs lost and counting.

Sale! Pants- Half Off!

This picture is courtesy of an idea that I got from one of my very skinny friends:

I got a new pair of jeans on Friday and am still trying to wrap my head around the sizing. When I told my friend Maria that I had purchased my first entire outfit from the Buckle, she inquired about the size and we freaked each other out a little. My jeans are a 31, which apparently equates to an 11/12 or something like that.

She was completely astonished because she thought she wore a 30 (as it turns out, she wears a 29) and she was so excited that I was so close in size. Yet, I found myself making excuses for the size and downplaying how truly incredible it is. "Well, they are pretty tight right now...." "Yeah, but they are an eased fit..." "Well, they have stretch to them...." Etc etc.

So yesterday, as I was looking with disbelief at the jeans as they laid on the bed, I tried to visualize my body fitting in them in an attempt to come to grips with the fact that I am getting pretty thin now. Since I wore a size 14 in Jr. High, I simply cannot see myself as I am right now. My mind is stuck at a size 18 which is the thinnest I ever was as an adult.

I know it might sound weird, but I simply cannot fathom that I am only 2-3 sizes larger than my friends. That has NEVER been the case. I was always the token fat chick in the group. The one that couldn't ever trade clothes or steal the attention of the guys. That has been my role throughout my 37 years and it's going to be a hard thinking pattern to change.

In an effort to solidify the message to my brain about how much I have changed, I compared the old jeans to the new ones by laying the new ones next to the old. Unfortunately, the comparison wasn't strong enough so I decided to take it to the next level by putting the old pants on........ And I got into one leg of them!

I still can't fathom the scope of the change (perhaps it's because everything is floppy, and loose) but, I am working through it....

.......One leg at a time. BwaHahahahahahaha

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, September 12, 2011

Water check-in

I still have loads of improvement to make, but as promised, here is my H2O update for the day: 42 oz.

Tomorrow I'll hit the goal of 64oz.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, September 9, 2011


What a week it has been! On Thursday September 1st I broke the 200 pound mark. I finally weighed in the 100's. ....albeit just shy of 200 but I will claim every ounce of it.

I didn't think it would be such a big deal, since it has been coming "gradually" (lol) for the last 5months and I have been teetering on the precipice for a few weeks now. I didn't have a huge reaction, but I admit that a few tears found their way out into the open.

It's weird to think that I am within 28 pounds of my initial goal weight. I should be able to accomplish that by Thanksgiving. That is just a bit more than 2 pounds a week. Sure, I might be able to get it done faster, but I have no idea if the weight loss is going to slow down now that I am closer to the end.

I am able to eat more on most meals, which is a good thing given that my activity level has increased. I can't tell you how annoying it is to work out and feel like crap for the rest of the day. It happened several times while we were in Idaho and I hated it. Granted, some of it may have to do with being a bit dehydrated as well.

I remember in 2001 when I was doing Weight Watchers, I was drinking at least a gallon of water a day and I didn't have a bit of trouble losing then. So, look for a water log to be posted for this next week. You can help keep me accountable.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One hundred and fourty two and I quit counting

As many of you are either past WLS patients or have found my blog because you are considering it, you know that one of the "complications" of the surgery is that you will, at some point, begin to lose your hair.  I was never worried about this part of the processes, because if you ask anyone that knows me, I had plenty to go 'round.

I really started noticing the hair loss right around week 17 but didn't think a whole lot of it given my propensity to actually rejoice in a little natural culling of the locks.  However, this process has become a real pain the the arse. Please don't get me wrong.  I am incredibly lucky that I had as much hair as I did to begin with.  I am so incredibly thankful for that because I have heard of people losing so much that they need to get a wig temporarily.  That could be incredibly devastating and I can't imagine having to deal with that even on a short term basis.

The hair does grow back eventually and all will be well once again.  It is simply a matter of your body making a choice to support your vital functions rather than our ego's and vanity. Frankly, I would rather have red blood cells than an ounce of hair...  I am just sayin'.  But I digress..

I asked my husband the other day if he thought my hair would look good if I grew it down to my mid back.  I haven't had it that long for a while and I thoroughly enjoy ponytails, french braids and feeling incredibly feminine with long luscious locks.  Well, to my surprise he said that he thought that was an interesting choice because he thought that I would go with short hair.  As I pondered the prospect, I realized that
  1. I really do like short hair
  2. It looked super cute in the past even with my rounded chubby cheeks and puffy face
  3. It has a more professional look
  4. Allows for more versatility (if you are brave enough to try it)
....and finally, I realized that perhaps I wouldn't be so danged bothered with all this hair that is continually coming out of my head.  This morning, I counted 142 different strands of hair that came out just after I had washed it. When you have long hair, losing strands during the day is just a normal part of the cyclical process when hair regenerates itself, BUT, I am getting sick of always having hair everywhere.*incensed tone inserted here* 

The 142 strands that I counted don't include the 7 I pulled off of my clothes at work today, the 3 I removed from the chair nor does it include the countless others that I inevitably missed in the data collection process due to their tendency to simply be more attached to anything other than my head. As I was yet again saving my chair from being strangled by stray coiffure bits, I realized that the #5 reason for having short hair would be to eliminate nearly all of my exasperation with the current follicle fountain. 

So, do I or don't I? Beckham or Shields? It's such a toss up.  All I know, is that I am never counting the strands again.  That my friends, is one stat that I am afraid you are just going to have to live without.

Stupid technology!

Here I am, up at 1:30 am because I can't get the stupid friggin photo slideshow to work.  Apparently, Photobucket has something wrong with it so I can't get it to update the original slideshow.  Getting frustrated, I changed to Flickr thinking that it would be easy peasy to add that gadget to the blog and upload a slideshow.....  that was nearly 3 hours ago.

SO, with that being said, if you want to see pictures you are going to have to do a little work yourself because I am done for the night.  Click here for the slideshow:

friggen fraggen blasted blazin tarnation hell balls.

And g'night.

Hound and you shall receive

My sister and mom have been hounding me....  chiding me... and down-right guilting me into updating my pictures on my blog.  I didn't realize that it had been a really long time since I had done so.  When I looked at the pics and realized that I hadn't uploaded pics since the 12th week and we are now at week 21.5 I was astonished at how quickly time has gone by.

We have 6 days a week of football right now.  I will be so glad when that part is over.  It seems as though we have no time for ourselves during the week.  Two and a half hours of practice every week night doesn't leave much time to do anything else.  Now, I know the moment Chad reads this he is going to complain that I don't get to practice until the last 40 - 60 minutes, however, due to relying on my amazing grandmother for babysitting support, I have had to adjust my schedule at work to accomodate the extra drive in the morning.  Chad will say that I have become a work-a-holic, a stereotype I am sure the rest of my family would agree with.  I do come about it naturally as it is genetically encoded, I have the genome map as proof.....  it's just classified information and takes a very high security clearance to have access to the document or I'd upload it.

Anyhow, I have updated the pictures to keep my family from sending Guido to my door.  I fully admit that I have sucked at blogging recently and will take full responsibility for that.  In addition, I promise to get better.  Cross my heart.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who is that??

We had a family reunion with my Dad's side of the family this weekend and it was an incredibly special time for us. We have not kept in touch with anyone over the years and since my dad and most of my uncles have passed away, that task has been even more daunting.

We were able to get re acquainted with cousins and even meet some of whom we have never met. It is always interesting learning about your history and hearing stories that I am sure my father wishes were still a secret.

However, nothing could prepare me for the surprise I had last night when I looked at the pictures of the event that were posted on Facebook. I didn't understand how they got a picture of my sister.

Lesley lives in Montana and I couldn't understand why my cousin would have posted her picture in the reunion picture folder since she wasn't there. She was holding two boys in her lap and that was throwing me for a further loop because she has 3 girls. Finally, I clicked on the picture to enlarge it and get a look at the little ones she was holding and I couldn't believe my eyes. It wasn't my sister....... It was me!

I hadn't even recognized myself! Unbelievable! What a true testament to how much things have changed. Life is good.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dirty dirty and dead tired

Mud Run benefitting MS was this morning and boy am I beat! 6.2 miles has never been so tough!

In fact, we got home 5 minutes ago, and I still haven't gotten out of the car. Hahahahaha
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Running from Fate (part deux)

I completely forgot to tell you that I registered for the MS Mud Run a while ago. I thought it would be a good goal to work for and get me in the habit of exercising.  So far so good.  It is a 10k, and I have no intention of trying to run the entire thing, but I am hopeful that with the obstacles in between each stretch of land I won't notice how far I have actually run.

This video is from another race called the Dirty Dash, but the concept is similar.  Enjoy!

Join me on the next one?? Ciao!

I was pushed by myself because I have my own rule and that is that every day I run faster and try harder." ~Winston Kipketer (Kenyan Olympic Runner)

Running from Fate

Aug. 2nd

I have been exercising my butt off....  literally.  A while ago, I signed up for a mud run thinking that it would be a great goal to work towards and otherwise keep me motivated.  So far that has worked like a charm.  I not so secetly wish that there was a shorter version as the 10k seems so far!  I get that it is only about 6.5 miles, but it still has a 10 in the title of it and that is the intimitating factor.

Keeping in mind that I, for so many years, have been almost smug about the fact that I would only run if I were being chased, I have since began to change my tune a little, but out of necessity not from desire.  I have a walking course mapped out that leads through the neighborhood hills to the SW of my home.  There is a short version of roughly 1.5 miles all the way through 5.5 miles.  While I have been careful to mix it up to ensure that my body doesn't get used to doing the same thing over and over, I have realized that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain an average heart rate over the mid 130's without a little prodding.  Today was no exception.

This morning, I set out on my walk at 5:40 am intending to burn through some calories to bring the weight loss to an all time record (more on that later).  Things started out well and I reached a healthy and sustainable 147 quite easily.  So easily in fact, that I thought I was going to end up having to slow down once I got to the steeper part of the hill.  On the contrary however, it seems that I got "in the groove" so to speak and my HR started to drop down into to the low 130's.  In the past, when I have gotten my HR up into the 160's it generally stayed in the 140's for  quite some time with very little effort.  This was no longer the case.

Updated 8/4
I made a rule.... one my HR drops to 130, I run.  When I am satisfied with the distance that I am able to cover for each running session I will increase the threshold to 135.  I'll keep you posted on the progress.  :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eminem isn't the only one cleaning out the closet!

I always know when my clothes are looking a little ridiculous when I get a lot of comments so I figured that it was once again, time to adjust. At lunch I took the hour and went to Kohls to find a pair of jeans and spent the entire time trying on clothes from the misses section alone! Yay!

For most of you men out there, you probably have no idea how this type of segregation can damage one's soul since your clothes are usually pretty generous before making you head to the big and tall section. But, let me tell you.... Yesterday a whole new world opened up for me! I could shop the ENTIRE store. No longer was I exiled to the meager 200 square feet where they put the elastic waist jeans next to the fabric boxes they call shirts. I wandered around and wondered how women ever found anything when there is so much to choose from! I think I need to break this new ability in slowly because I'm pretty sure that shopping at the mall would make my brain explode.

The best thing is that it is now only a matter of time, before I will be able to be unleashed at The Buckle. (To my dear sweet husband, we each need another job) Hahahahaha. In truth, it'll be some time before I will be "unleashed" since I still won't be at goal weight, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the moment I can buy an entire outfit there, I will be having one heck of a party!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Number Crunching

Today is the 16 week marker since surgery and I'd like to take a few minutes to share a few incredible numbers with you.  Some of which I can't believe myself.

First, but by no means the most impressive number as you will soon see, my weight loss from March 1 (surgery Mar 25th):

Next, my measurements:

Pre Surgery
Week 4 4/24/2011
Week 12 5/19/2011
Week 16 7/17/2011

Total Loss
% Loss
B- 26
T- 18/20
T- 14/16
B- 20


13 %

12 %
Upper Arm (R)

14 %

11 %

15 %

13 %
Upper Thigh (R)

15 %
Center Knee (R)

16 %
Calf (R)

10 %

49.8 %*
*This is a percentage of excess weight lost. 283 - 150= 133 extra lbs.

And finally, what I believe to be the most impressive:

Total Cholesterol
Blood Pressure (Avg)
Resting Heart Rate (Avg)
February 2011
July 2011
* the HDL is a bit low but could be attributed to a severe change in diet with too little fat and or adjustments to rapid weight loss

I imagine by now, the insurance company is ecstatic to have spent the money for my surgery.  The changes in my health status are pretty astounding.  This is a true testament to the hazards that excess weight places on your body and how much you can change your life expectancy with just a few simple changes.  I wouldn't have believed it myself, if I hadn't seen it in writing.

Time to go celebrate with an exercise session!