Thursday, August 30, 2012

Buckets Full of Change

I've recently been asked several times why I haven't updated my blog is such a long time and the answer is very simple, while the activities behind it are actually quite complicated.  I don't have the time to dedicate to explain everything at this time, but have felt that the time is right to begin sharing.

The Holmes and Rahe stress scale is used in order to correlate stressful life events and the likelihood of illness and disease.  A score of over 300 "Life Change Units" is said to put one in the highest category of  "at risk of illness".  (You can find an easy to read article here: Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale)

The following represents how I stack up in the last 5 months:
Life event
Life change units
June: In progress
Personal injury or illness
July: Result of stress?
Dismissal from work
Announced 8/24
Marital reconciliation
We’ve had to reconcile some since we are still living under the same roof.
Sexual difficulties
2012: Result of marital strife.
Change in financial state
2012: See spouse not working
Change in frequency of arguments
Ummm Divorce… duh.
Child leaving home
June: 2 month stay w/dad
Spouse starts or stops work
Off and on since Dec.
Begin or end school
March: Begun  Aug: Term End
Change in living conditions
See divorce/reconciliaton
Revision of personal habits
Stopped Working out
Change in sleeping habits
Not sleeping: Stress
Change in eating habits
Not eating well: Stress
July: 20 yr Reunion
Total Life Change Units
So frankly, if I wake up with cancer tomorrow, I won't be surprised.  lol.  No, wait, that isn't a laughing matter.  Here is the way I see it.  I am certainly at risk for illness and the like, but I believe that it has more to do with your perception of the events than it does with the actual events themselves.  I believe that you can go through period of life such as mine and get through it without a hitch.  Clearly, the stress scale above isn't making a causative statement where I am destined to be ill due to the intensity of my score, but is merely making a correlation based on average responses of their study subjects over time.

We all have periods in our lives where we feel a sense of overwhelm.  Where it seems as if there isn't one more thing that we can handle, yet the universe seems to keep piling it on.  We exclaim, "When it rains it pours."  We reach out to friends and family for support in our time of need.  We cry ourselves to sleep, we weep at commercials, we lash out at our family for the slightest misgivings.  In doing so, we are venting, or bearing down on our pressure release valves that keep us from imploding.  However, there are other ways in which we can do this.  Much more constructive ways in fact.

One of my favorite ways to manage the stress, is to focus only on that which I can control.  Sometimes, that is very little, but it might be that I am in control of my workouts, or what I choose to have to drink that day.  Then I focus on my plan.  This piece is crucial for me.  I feel anxious when I don't have a plan of action, so I make one.  Again, I am then choosing my destiny.

Events will happen in our lives both good and bad.  The bad will seem to come all at once and pound us like a sledgehammer.  In order for you to be able to get through it in one piece, you need to choose a different path.  You need to make your plan in accordance with the circumstances that you happen to be in at the moment.  Figure out what you can control and begin to make plans to alter the circumstances.  You'll make it through....  we all do.  :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Thoughts = Perception = Reality

For the last 2 days I have been in San Francisco finishing the rest of the training certification for Achieve Global's Sales programs. I was fortunate enough to be seated next to a woman who directed me to a book titled, The Luck Factor. Clearly I haven't read it yet but her description really made me think about a few things.

She said the basic assertion of the book is that luck is a perceived thing. In other words, you get what you look for. If you are always looking and waiting for the "other shoe to drop", it probably will. Those who have a positive outlook on life and all of its uncertainty will probably not perceive the same events in the same way. The same events would be occurring but because they look at it in another light it is viewed as less "unlucky" or perhaps, not about luck or negative circumstances at all.

I have always believed this and lived this way. I believe that even in the midst of the most trying of times, there are things we can learn and benefits to be gained if we look at it through a different set of lenses. I can distinctly remember times when I was giving more credence to the negative events than they deserved and they seemed to keep coming like hell fire until I changed my view of them. Suddenly, I felt very differently and although I didn't have any control over the events themselves, I did have complete control over my perception and subsequent reaction.

So I challenge you this week to change your lenses. How can you change your perspective? What can you learn from your circumstances? What benefit is there for the taking? What could you be missing out on by focusing on the wrong thing?

Change your perspective; change your reality.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Healthy Habit Household

As I sit here at the community center pool pondering all of the tasks I need to list out and begin working on for my work projects and for the business, I am “kindly” reminded of exactly where I am at the moment.  As if the high pitched, ear piercing squeals from the girls running around like whirling dervishes weren’t enough, every minute or so the air is punctured by the blaring lifeguard whistle aimed at the boys who are fearlessly playing a game of tackle football in the water.  My son is fortunately not one of them and is content to test the strength of his lungs as he attempts to swim around the whirlpool area without taking a breath. 

He is nearly 10 and is getting increasingly concerned about getting enough exercise.  I haven’t decided yet if he is merely using exercise as a synonym for play, but either way, I am happy about it.  He will have a natural propensity toward weight gain as his dad’s genetic make-up isn’t stellar either.  Although both his dad and I have a significant advantage in that we gain muscle very quickly, we both also gain fat quickly as well.  One of the things I believe has helped Justin is that we always have crap food around the house along with healthy snacks and the rule has always been that you canhave as many healthy snacks as you want, but the crap snacks are limited to 1 aday.  Justin routinely chooses the healthy options and now does a lot of the self regulation required with the crap.  He also has been asking to go with me on my runs in the mornings and has been doing push-ups, sit-ups and squats every now and again.

I am encouraged by the signs that I see with him.  Unfortunately, my dad tried to instill this behavior in us as kids, but there was a significant resistance to it and the food thing,…. well, that was a lost cause.  Our house was full of Pepsi and we regularly ate out due to the crazy schedule my mom had to keep with all of us in various youth sports all over the city.  My parents never kept crap in the house because we would devour it in no time and “ding dongs” were expensive(albeit, much more delicious back in the day I will argue).  Although the philosophy of out of sight, out of mind, never worked for me. 

My babysitting career was highly profitable and kept me busy nearly every weeknight and weekend where I didn’t have a sports commitment.  This, unfortunately for my waist line and thus my social life, led to many a ding dong bender at my client’s homes.  Embarrassing as it is to admit, I once ate an entire box over the course of a Saturday, because after I had already eaten four ding dongs, I figured an entire box (out of the 6 that were there) would be less noticeable than the large quantity out of a single box.  Yes, ridiculous logic, but remember that I was only 14 and highly intoxicated… on ding dong filling.

I thought that I was unable to handle the “freedom” of having sweets and crap food around due to my escapades as a youngster.  During college I found myself justifying purchases of crap “because it was my money and I earned it.”  Interesting that I was also slowly earning the consequences of the 9:30pm Mickey D’s French fry and Coca Cola drive through ritual.  It wasn’t until I was married and my husband was reading an over eaters anonymous book that I learned to think about things in an entirely different way.

The book bravely suggested to stockpile your favorite crap food in the house and keep it that way. If you had a love affair with Oreos, then buy 8 full size packages and when you are finished with one, go buy another; keeping 8 packages in the house at all times.  Surely this book had to be a joke right?  Surely they had to know that someone with a true eating disorder would plow through the Oreos and gain 87 pounds in a fortnight.  However, the concept is simple and through personal testimony quite effective.  You see, we are all animals at our core.  We are programmed for survival and when we feel like that survival is threatened, we will adapt and create behaviors that aren’t always favorable.  In a home where there is a limited amount of “good” stuff and you have to compete for it, there is an instinct that kicks in where “I better eat it now before someone else does or else I won’t get any.”  Using the technique outlined in that book, I was able to retrain myself that I can have them anytime I want….  Afterall, there were 8 bags in there! 

I believe that is the principle that has made the difference for Justin.  I believe that because we haven’t ever over-emphasized diet but rather focused on healthy choices and a healthy lifestyle, Justin has been able to make that leap early.  Granted, it probably also helps that he doesn’t have to worry about siblings stealing candy out of his Halloween stash from (9months ago) either.  :)  My only hope is that it continues and his outlook on healthy living, exercise and diet will continue to grow as he does.  I do not want him to experience the same frustration that I did through the first 36 years of my life.