Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Number Makes No Difference

Yes, I am writing an ode to the end  2013 and beginning of 2014 just like so many bloggers and writers do at the end of each and every year.  Here is why it is different though.  I don't give a shit what you want to whine about that happened in 2013.  Not one iota. I also don't want to hear you exclaim how glad you are to welcome 2014 in and how hopeful you are that it is going to be "Oh so much better!" 

We all need to face the fact that just because the ones digit changed on your fancy new calendar with the kitties, beach scenes, classic cars or the Chippendales, 2014 is likely to bring just as much turmoil to your life.  What is that I hear you say? "What a negative Nancy! She really needs to lighten up a bit!"  Nope, not gonna do it because you will not hear the power of\ this message if you are comfortable.  

Your life will not change as a result of an arbitrary date, it will only change if you do.

Do you want to feel more peace in your life... then practice letting go.

Do you want to be more patient with your kids... then stop trying to keep things so orderly and perfect.

Do you want to deal with conflict more effectively... then learn to take a step back and look at situations objectively.

Do you want to quit smoking... then the next time you want to light up, allow yourself to say, "Nah, not now, maybe later".

Do you want to lose weight... then go for a walk the next time you reach for the snack drawer.

This isn't rocket science folks.  You can make anything happen in your life if you are willing to make the little choices that add up to the larger picture of where you want to be in 3 months, 3 years, or 3 decades.  Don't let 2014 steal your vivacity like you allowed 2013 to do.  Reach in, dig deep and Live Triumphantly.

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